Thursday, January 12, 2012

The rumour mill

I wonder who is telling the Dutch Defense Minister that F-35 technical problems--as highlighted in the November 2011 DOD quick look report and elsewhere--are "rumours"?

Minister Hillen said he informed his hosts of the thorny issues regarding the purchase of the Joint Strike Fighter that are causing political headaches in The Hague: “The price, the rumours about technical shortcomings. Are they true, and if they are not: why is it that they keep doing the rounds?”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First off, there probably needs to be some form of official apology from the President of the US to Partner heads of state regarding the whole F-35 issue. That would gain credibility. To ignore such a strategic issue at the highest levels only loses credibility and only adds to the harm. I've personally been a proponent for 3 years now to start openly apologizing, with the objective being to contain damage done and retain some credibility to do business again.

The worst case scenario would probably be to see a 'too little too late response', doing insult to injury.

Another topic to seriously contemplate at this time could be to open a joint-Congressional investigation. Either that, or some Presidential pardons might be in order.