Thursday, October 13, 2011

47 states have jobs tied to F-35 Fighter

Yeah well; for anyone concerned, they can also look up RICO statute.

47 states have jobs tied to F-35 Fighter

Every state except Wyoming, North Dakota and Hawaii has jobs tied directly or indirectly to production of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the next generation, supersonic aircraft for the Air Force, Marines and Navy. A breakdown of the number of jobs related to the aircraft in each state:

State Direct + Indirect Jobs
Alabama 90
Alaska 88
Arizona 1151
Arkansas 35
California 24932
Colorado 461
Connecticut 8195
Delaware 39
Florida 8795
Georgia 1993
Idaho 32
Illinois 5665
Indiana 2521
Iowa 229
Kansas 236
Kentucky 4
Louisiana 4
Maine 350
Maryland 1720
Massachusetts 2058
Michigan 2572
Minnesota 614
Mississippi 852
Missouri 525
Montana 101
Nebraska 16
Nevada 131
New Hampshire 4824
New Jersey 997
New Mexico 35
New York 4393
North Carolina 371
Ohio 4350
Oklahoma 401
Oregon 241
Pennsylvania 1013
Puerto Rico 76
Rhode Island 31
South Carolina 134
South Dakota 4
Tennessee 43
Texas 41413
Utah 1729
Vermont 1286
Virginia 580
Washington 1590
West Virginia 95
Wisconsin 20
Total: 127035


Graeme said...

So California - already an economic basketcase - will take the biggest hit when the F35 Ponzi scheme collapses within the next few years.

Gobsmacked said...
Drop in the bucket, when in the last years the USA has lost 41,000 factories and 5.5 million jobs to China.

War News Updates Editor said...

As always .... I love your F-35 news and analysis. You have been right on this program so many times that I (must confess) have lost count. Thanks.