According to Inside Defense (subscription), the usual suspects over at the Senate Armed Services Committee (Sens. Carl Levin (D-MI) and John McCain (R-AZ)) have sent a formal letter to the new Secretary of Defense Panetta requesting an estimate of what it would take to cancel the F-35 program.
A quote from the letter obtained by Inside Defense states:
“The Committee is concerned about three quarters of a billion dollars in increases in these three contracts since last year," the letter reads. “That raises many questions that must be answered before a decision is made on this reprogramming, including . . . what would be our legal obligations and our costs if we were to terminate the F-35 program now.”
Then there is the issue of paying for cost blow-outs. McCain does not want the Hill to authorize any money for F-35 cost over-runs.
According a publication named The Hill:
“The $771 million overrun covers the first 28 F-35s the Pentagon is buying. The Pentagon informed lawmakers on Monday of a need to move monies within its budget for a $264 million down payment, as the aide called it, via a reprogramming request sent across the Potomac River in June.
‘I intend to strongly oppose future ‘reprogramming requests’ unless they can be fully justified to the American taxpayer,’ said McCain.”
Meanwhile, the followers of the Jim Jones theory of weapons procurement have stated everything is going great. Not mentioned is that nearly 10 years after the award to the prime contractor, not one weapon has been cleared; there have been no operational exercises; and initial operating capability is a long way away; pencil-whipped or otherwise. All this for a weapon's system that will be obsolete.
UPDATE from Flight Global - F-35 LRIP overrun value raised to $1.15B
They don't want to cancel anything, they want to wield power by threatening cancelation. As usual for McCain, instead of offering constuctive criticism at the first report of trouble, when it can do some good, he waits until it is politically advantageous for him to do some grandstanding. This jet has had one catastrophe after another for ten years, and now he is outraged? Now, after we have committed all this time and treasure and have no alternative? He's one of those responsible and he's trying to weasel his way out. It works for him every time.
There are alternatives. On that matter, Lockmart/Pentagon (one and the same) are lying to our elected officials. Just like they lied when they sold the program to the hill.
Saying for years now that U.S. manned tac air will have to learn to make-do with max 1000 aircraft.
Also think there's no way to cancel the programme, as this would let implode especially ACC.
But the breaking points for a couple of factors are rapidly closing in and it's time to get ready to safe the essential core capabilities of the forces. Thus repeating: Focus on F-35C only, drop the other versions NOW.
Agree you on that one 100%. The services are going to have to make do with less, IMO Marine Air needs to go completely.
Agree we should focus just on F35C for USAF and Navy.
Looks like new CVN will be delayed some more and Virginia SSBN version is back in play. Not sure we need LCS, or at least not in it's present form and price.
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