Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The F-35 team performs a crash and burn with their sales technique

Mr. Davies claim that the Super Hornet is one of the best alternatives to the Just So Failed project just got some more ammo. Sort of; it is from the maker of the Super Hornet.

This show-down was going to come someday. Boeing had mostly kept their mouth shut until they could no longer stand the complete nonsense (versus packaged sales hype which is what sellers of aircraft do) from the F-35 camp.

Most of the claims by Boeing were known for sometime. And, consider that the F-35 Just So Farcical is competing against one of the slowest 4th gen fighters ever to come out of the U.S. Where the F-35 is not a 5th generation anything except maybe a failure. Note that while Boeing lost the Joint Strike Fighter competition in 2001, guess where a large portion of the avionics technology for the Boeing JSF ended up?

Mentioning the Super Hornet by name isn't a good move by the F-35 camp. They have nothing to show but trouble and blue-sky marketing on their side of the fence. The Super Hornet--even with some early development trouble--can show on-time deliveries and proof of delivering what they promised. This promise is shown in a happy U.S. Navy customer that is worried more about having something pointy looking to fly off their big carriers so as to justify their existence as opposed to having an aircraft that can sweep the skies of a future enemy.

Both the F-35 and Super Hornet will not be able to stand up to emerging threats in the Pacific Rim. They are 2nd tier fighters that will need the owners of the F-22 to go in and kill the higher threats.

Which second-tier fighter would you prefer? If these two are the only choices allowed, the decision by those that want to equip the Australian flying club with something worthy of air shows is easy.

It will be kind of sad in a way. For what will the DMO guys at airshows say when a little kid comes up to them and asks what happened to the cardboard cut-outs of F-35s they were giving out last time.


Anonymous said...

"It will be kind of sad in a way. For what will the DMO guys at airshows say when a little kid comes up to them and asks what happened to the cardboard cut-outs of F-35s they were giving out last time."
By then lets hope that sense has arrived and all of them are gone.

nico said...

I have said it before on ELP, Boeing gave up against JSF program and all 5th gen BS way to early, happy to see that maybe we will be able to compete these 2 fighters.