Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Australia's federal spending disaster

I am no longer endorsing Australian Defence fantasy.

This government is billions in trouble. It can't stop spending. And it doesn't even understand why it is doing anything other than, trying to buy votes.

The recent shipbuilding contracts only came about because of a federal government leadership under voter duress.




Let us look at the Collins replacement submarine nonsense. About a year ago I had changed and was able to endorse the concept of building a custom submarine at home.

That is no longer the case.

The special long range submarine is not a deterrent.

For example: we fire off a handful of cruise missiles in the South China Sea from a new submarine against the not-to-be-mentioned red-force aggressor.

OK, I'll play the Red-force in this scenario.

First, there is a good chance the RAN submarines won't come back. Simply because Defence doesn't have clue-one about growing ASW threats.

So Blue-force launches a handful of cruise-missiles at me playing red-force.

They didn't do much.

Now I'm coming after YOU. Red-force scenario: I will start sinking bulk carriers and tankers off of your coast with my submarines and see how long your economy breaths air. Operation: DRUMBEAT II.

Also the RAAF will only be a very expensive flying club so there is no help there in controlling our regional air space. If they get in the way, they risk getting shot down. Or, just being inadequate for the job. Or both.

And as the red-force, I suspect I would have the backing of my overly nationalistic populace.

Two weeks, tops. And it is all over. Simply because the top political leadership in Australia are too dumb for their own good.

There is no need for a special requirement for Australian submarines simply because, realistically, they can only be used to take down situations where Australia was not, in an expeditionary, dumb, poorly thought out war. And given everything else, that depends.

Off the shelf:

German Type 212.
Unit cost: $550 Australian.
Sustainment cost: Affordable (home industry benefits).
Crew (its always the crew numbers): 27 (5 officers, 22 enlisted).
Lethal: Good.

Note that for ASW and other warfare in our own waters (like taking care of the Russian Operation:SHIRT FRONT) will be combined with not only submarines, but other platforms. Again, that all depends given the other poor thinking from the Entrenched Defence Bureaucracy.

The real enemy for the Australian people? An over-fed and out-of-touch federal government that refuses to spend within its means.

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