Thursday, February 27, 2014

USAF FY2016 budget

Blind leading the blind. Here is one possible scenario for USAF in FY2016.

Air Force

The Air Force would have to retire 80 more aircraft, Hagel said, including the entire KC-10 tanker fleet and the Global Hawk Block 40 fleet, which could slow plans to retire the U-2 spy plane. Purchases of the Air Force version of the F-35 also would be slowed, meaning 24 fewer F-35s would be bought through fiscal 2019, arguably increasing their per-unit cost and making it harder to cut the A-10 Warthog close combat fighters. There would be 10 fewer Predator and Reaper 24-hour combat air patrols. The Air Force also would have to take deeper cuts to flying hours, impacting readiness.

And what is the number one piece of hardware consuming dollars with no return on investment?

The F-35.

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