Sunday, December 30, 2012

U.S. DOD acquisition people goof Afghan cargo aircraft

Here is another victory for Operation:USELESS DIRT.

U.S. DOD acquisition people can't even setup a simple small cargo aircraft requirement.

One of the comments under the article states the rest of the story.

As a former pilot in this unit, I can provide FACTS:

1. This is not the newly-purchased and recently-cancelled C-27J. These aircraft are 1980-vintage, Italian surplus G.222 aircraft, very similar to the C-27As the USAF operated out of Howard AB, Panama during the 90s. They were purchased by DoD (not the Army or the USAF) with the express intent of "donating" them to the Afghan AF. For various legal reasons--and because the Afghans didn't want these unreliable, un-maintainable airplanes--they were never transferred to AAF control.

2. The performance of the G.222 is totally inadequate in high altitude, hot conditions. This makes the airplane unsuited to perform its mission a significant portion of the year in Afghanistan. DoD acquisitions folks should have known this before they inked the deal.

3. The G.222 has always required a lot of maintenance, something that the DoD acquisitions folks should have known before they inked the deal. Even fresh out of the refurbishment, they were often unable to make the flight from Italy to Afghanistan without breaking down along the way. The fleet in Kabul was plagued with fuel leaks, flap problems, landing gear problems, and several engine failures. That's why they were grounded from Dec 11 thru May 12.

3. Since the plane has been out of production for decades, most of its spare parts are no longer available. DoD acquisition folks should have known this before they inked the deal. I don't know whether Alenia misled them, or they just didn't ask the right questions. Consequently, most of the 16 planes on the ramp in Kabul were unflyable because they were cannibalized for parts to keep 4-5 airplanes flying.

Overall, the program was a fiasco, and its termination is long overdue. The USAF's inability to manage this program made us look incredibly stupid, so we lost a lot of credibility with the Afghan leadership and pilots we were trying to mentor.


Anonymous said...

Are they mentored by the DMO?

Bushranger 71 said...

So; why did Australia shed the Caribou, some of which have already been upgraded to turbo and are operating in Afghanistan?

Anonymous said...

Bushranger, we all know the answer to that.

Anonymous said...

Think before you ink. So true.

As for DoD (and not the USN or USAF) purchasing F-35s outright (as part of a QE4 stimulus?) and then donating them back to USAF and USN... now that would be an interesting strategy to circumvent the reliability and affordability component of this TACAIR platform's procurement worthiness.

God speed Afghanistan and peace and humility on Earth. Happy New Year.

Bushranger 71 said...

A safe and prosperous Year 2013 to all.

Hi Anonymous. What were the real reasons for the ADF shedding the Caribou, as you see them?

Perplexed said...

Probably Bonza/AD can answer that one BR71

Anonymous said...

Heard Angus Houston was concerned about Asbestos in Caribou. Is this true?
Didn't know there was much of any - Asbestos, I mean.

Perplexed said...

Saw that comment,and from the Defence Minister at the time.
Also he advised that they were structurally unsound.
Also interesting to see his comments made to the Joint sittings.
All dishonest.

Monty of the Glenn said...

Direct question to Anonymous December 31, 2012, 9:45 PM

Who are these "We" you keep referring to and what do you/they "know"?

Can you answer me that, laddie? Or is it lassie?

Anonymous said...

"Can you answer me that, laddie? Or is it lassie?" (Depends on what time day)
"We", are those who have been involved in the crap perpetrated upon the Defence Force by people who should know better, or are stupid.
What we "know", is that there are real people with real experience who actually know what they are talking about.

Anonymous said...

That would be the crap perpetrated by the DMO on the ADF.

Anonymous said...

However do you see anyone in Uniform REALLY speak out. No ethics at all

Monty of the Glenn said...

"Bushranger, we all know the answer to that."

So, what is the answer, laddie/lassie?

Anonymous said...

You tell me.

Monty of the Glenn said...

Have no idea.

As BR 71 said, that decision doesn't make much sense.

Since you claimed to know, thought you could explain why Defence shed the mighty Caribou.

Going so coy as you have suggests not.

Anonymous said...

I believe the reasons heve been canvased in many of the discussions on this site many times.Suggest you read some .

Anonymous said...

All the discussions seen on this site question the decision to shed the Caribou capability, but none give the reasons.

You said you know the answer to that.

So, if you do know the answer, how about sharing? ...or were you just making that up?

Anonymous said...

But we do know, ask Angus and Joel, it is black and white.As perplexed indicated.
Always believe the brass.

Anonymous said...

There are now reports emerging, that the reason that there is a shortage of spare parts, is that a Alenia is not supplying due to the fact they will refuse to pay bribes to the Afghan air force.
Could be right?

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