Monday, December 10, 2012

F-22 mishap (minor)

Note the language about this minor F-22 mishap.

It used to be a Class-A mishap was $1M or more.

Then they moved it up to $2M.

And of course if your initial report is $1.8M... it doesn't qualify as a Class-A.

Otherwise that would be 3 class-A's in the calendar year.

However, mishaps are reported in the U.S. fiscal year.


Unknown said...

So you are against the F-22 and the F-35...So in your opinion what should the USAF ,the USMC and the USN buy?What would be you ideal fighter force for the United States?And what should the RAAF buy?Whats your alternative?
P.S-Sorry for the bad english but im portuguese...

Unknown said...

I'm not against the F-22. I am against the history of its' stupid management.

Blacktail said...

That reminds me --- another F-22A crashed back in November, which raised it's mishap rate per-100,000 hours to 6;

As you can see, that's comperable to Russian-built aircraft, which have a higher accident rate on average than Western ones. Also, that's also *specifically* with Indian-operated aircraft of the aforementioned denomination. India has some of the highest accident rates of it's Easter-Bloc fighters out of any nations using them (case in point --- they lost half their Mig-21s to accidents, and the rest of the world can't understand why, as the Mig-21 is a very easy aircraft to fly and maintain).

6-per-100,000 hours s also double the accident rate of the F-15 and F-15, BTW.

A few more crashes, fires, and and collisions over the next half-year or so will probably bring the F-22's accident rate per-100,000 hours up to 12, which will be yet another failing it will share with the disastrous F-102 Delta Dagger --- along with an internal bay (when aerial warfare was becoming increasingly-defined by weapons carried *externally*), the "speed/missiles/radar and crew EVERYTHING else" formula (wow, look at the kill ratio it got us through the F-102 --- 1 kill and two losses!), and a Howard Hughes Complex-like preoccupation with steam-lining the exterior at the expense of and sort of utility.