Bloomberg is reporting that the proposed DOD cuts for the F-35 will see up to 179 aircraft removed from production between U.S. fiscal year (FY) 2013 to 2017 until the program sorts out technical defects.
The chart below gives you a snapshot of some of the proposed numbers.
Just wait for the restructured R-FRP (Reduced) cuts commencing in FY17 or maybe FY18. Said R-FRP will probably not look too different compared to later LRIP production years even with FMS (as US orders will shrink further after FY16).
And if they have not yet received the memo, someone should notify Canada et al that previous cost estimates will soon need to be revised, due to unexpected reductions in annual rates.
Not a surprise given all factors: budget, election, and engineering problems.
This will clearly put Aus/Canada in a bind as the legacy Hornets will be out of gas by the time either could effectively order and receive. Hopefully Canada will politely move now to a more practical choice, and get on with it.
What's that noise I hear in the background? It's some guy yelling F-18 Super Hornet block iii, and F-15 Silent Eagle!
Why produce any F-35s? The design is unstable. Freeze production now and require that LMT produce one combat-ready plane for each type and then resume production at a higher rate
Canuck said... " I hear in the background? It's some guy yelling F-18 Super Hornet block iii, and F-15 Silent Eagle!"
Latest rumors seem to suggest what I've actually been critical of and skeptical about; the prospects of discontinuing the actual F-15SE silent eagle program. Instead, the implication would seem to point to what I had been pondering as well; an incrementally updated and improved F-15E+ pathway. Unfortunately, an F-15SE would likely take for eons at the rate they're developing it, whereas jointly-developed upgrades and custom integration packages could be done more expediently and more affordably.
Nice to hear from you Geogen! Don't worry, Burbage said that pretty much everything is fine with F35 program, nothing to worry about. We will just end up buying over 2000 JSFs between 2020 and 2030, that's all!
Geogen, I think you're right. It really is more of an F15E+ than an SE version. It will be interesting to see what happens with the Korean opportunity and what will be allowed for the SA sale.
Both will impact what the real 15E+ variant will really look like.
Aus/Can with large airspaces, an F-15 variant is probably the next best choice after an F-22.
Basicly its putting the whole F-35 project on probation and just keeping the production line open. LM should consider themselves lucky that its not over yet.
Heretic here.
Still waiting for the -100% deferral rate to materialize (which will, of course, cost billions to produce!).
I see that the USN has upped their Superbug order by 15.
Wonder why they would do that, what with the F-35C needing only a minor tweak here and there before it takes over the CVN flight decks...
Roughly $46M a pop for those F-18's. Not bad for a plane that actual works, even if it has a few limitations.
In Jan 2013, we should see a similar move again.
Aviation Week talking about Italian Military officials sharply reducing the 131 F-35 plan. The magazine quotes "is virtually certain". I would imagine sharp means at least 50% cut.
Denmark is getting ready for a competition to select a new fighter aircraft. The F-35 will be up against the Eurofighter, Grippen and Rafale.
Denmark too is looking to save money and wants to do its procurement in partnership with one or more NATO-aligned European states. According to Defense News, cost-cutting in Denmark has reduced the number of fighters needed from 48 to 30.
Why, you ask? Perhaps because the Super Hornet procurement is a near-term recapitalization solution, while the F-35C's operational and deployed status is delayed and uncertain, not to mention highly expensive.
Sounds like a perfectly reasonable and sensible near-term recapitalization plan.
This is what happens when that ever-handy 'rolling eyes' sarcasm emoticon isn't available...
JRL ;o)
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