"I have had the misfortune to fly a 4.5 generation fighter against a fifth-generation fighter and there was an extreme capability gap. Australia needs a fifth-generation fighter."
Before this, I have never heard of a F-15D (or C) described as a "4.5 generation" fighter. Because,well, it is not.
Something else that flags the BS meter is someone trying to mislead by inferring that the only troubles that face the F-35 are fiscal because of a crisis. This is nonsense. The aircraft is in trouble because the program management is faulty. The F-35 program didn't breach Nunn-McCurdy twice because it was properly managed. It did not have its milestone-B stripped for being properly managed. It did not have the DAB pushed back because it was properly managed.
I wonder if the RAAF boss could explain this, this or this?
Speak in spotter language, risk not pleasing them.
Breathtaking, and fron the CAF.
Since the F-35 JSF is anything other than a 5th Generation Fighter, it's called hoisting oneself up on one's own petard.
Flying an F15 against F22 is one thing, yeah, from what has been reported/hearsay, it isn't much of a fight but to extrapolate F15 against F35 as the same thing with same results, I want to see that REALLY happen, not PowerPoint or simulation.
Surprised to see that ELP hasn't commented yet on Gripen "victory" in Switzerland.
This certainly breaks new ground on the F-35 spin. Drink deep from the JSF Kool-aid, it tastes so good!
The true is that the F-35 is NOT a 5th gen fighter, and against a modern F-15 in DACT it would have a short life span.
You hit the nail on the head Nico, lets see a real dog-fight and not another PowerPoint/simulation.
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