Friday, December 2, 2011

RAAF boss courageously misleading or uninformed

More spin about the F-35 in Australia from this article with someone trying to infer that it is a "fifth-generation" fighter just like the F-22.

"I have had the misfortune to fly a 4.5 generation fighter against a fifth-generation fighter and there was an extreme capability gap. Australia needs a fifth-generation fighter."

Before this, I have never heard of a F-15D (or C) described as a "4.5 generation" fighter. Because,well, it is not.

Something else that flags the BS meter is someone trying to mislead by inferring that the only troubles that face the F-35 are fiscal because of a crisis. This is nonsense. The aircraft is in trouble because the program management is faulty. The F-35 program didn't breach Nunn-McCurdy twice because it was properly managed. It did not have its milestone-B stripped for being properly managed. It did not have the DAB pushed back because it was properly managed.

I wonder if the RAAF boss could explain this, this or this?


Anonymous said...

Speak in spotter language, risk not pleasing them.

Anonymous said...

Breathtaking, and fron the CAF.

Horde said...

Since the F-35 JSF is anything other than a 5th Generation Fighter, it's called hoisting oneself up on one's own petard.

nico said...

Flying an F15 against F22 is one thing, yeah, from what has been reported/hearsay, it isn't much of a fight but to extrapolate F15 against F35 as the same thing with same results, I want to see that REALLY happen, not PowerPoint or simulation.

Surprised to see that ELP hasn't commented yet on Gripen "victory" in Switzerland.

Cocidius said...

This certainly breaks new ground on the F-35 spin. Drink deep from the JSF Kool-aid, it tastes so good!

The true is that the F-35 is NOT a 5th gen fighter, and against a modern F-15 in DACT it would have a short life span.

You hit the nail on the head Nico, lets see a real dog-fight and not another PowerPoint/simulation.