Monday, November 14, 2011

Another example to define the F-35 as a failed program

More examples that define the F-35 as a failed program keep showing up with great regularity.


Anonymous said...

How true, they obviously know they need a plan B, but do not mention it,Sush.

Horde said...

Eric: More like monotonous regularity.

And just how late is the JSF Program of Record?

Various commentators have said 4, 6, 8, and, even, 10 years?

Anyone for 12 or more?

Anonymous said...

Yes, the US is "recapitalizing" its aircraft fleet alright.....but with "Classics" aircraft. How embarrassing for us.

Graeme said...

My first response when I clicked the link "Your joking?!.."

But no - its real, and sadly, understandable.

Matt said...

The USAF is beginning to display the early signs of a terminal illness.
If the right people are able to take control, a cure may be found in time to prevent a slow & painfull death!

Graeme said...

Unfortunately Matt, the US economy is "...beginning to display the late signs of a terminal illness..." and even good leadership in the USAF can not make a silk purse from a sows ear.

Expect budget cuts to be announced from the congressional super committee at the end of this month.