The Canadian military force structure needs a lot of help in all areas of interest.
There is some interesting items out there in reference to Canada and submarines including Canada and U.S. nuclear submarines.
Given all of the other communities in the DND that are in need of cash and actually provide value to Canadian security interests, I can only see the sub issue as a complete waste of money.
Canada has gone some years now without a sub force. I qualify a sub force as something that is reliable; and has real combat capability. The current collection of worthless submarines in Canada's possession have never qualified as a sub force.
Get rid of the program.
As Fredrick the Great once said, "He who defends everything, defends nothing".
Canada needs search and rescue aircraft. It needs transport aircraft. It needs patrol ships and small frigates. It needs a reasonable Army.
And these communities don't have to only exist. They have to be well trained and sustained to be a reliable resource.
Canada also needs fighter aircraft. However they have to be affordable and useful. Since Canada has not requested the F-22, any other solution it decides on will not be able to stand up to high-end threats.
OK. Fine.
The requirement for fighter aircraft should be something that is affordable; can meet home air patrol needs and can jointly take part in allied air campaigns that no matter what, will need the U.S. to clear the big threats with other resources Canada does not have.
The F-35 does not meet any of these requirements. Simply because there is no finished go-to-war example for an intelligent purchaser of military equipment to evaluate.
Canada would be better off by creating a DND leadership that can provide real security solutions for the civilian leaders. Without that, I am afraid the results can only be more muddle.
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