Friday, October 28, 2011

Collins sub refrigerant gas leak, no one hurt

Another piece of bad news for the Collins class submarine program.

This from Defence.

The Royal Australian Navy submarine HMAS Farncomb is returning to Singapore after partial failure of its cooling system during the Five Power Defence Agreement (FPDA) Exercise Bersama Lima 2011 (BL11).

The submarine crew followed standard emergency operating procedures to clear the refrigerant gas, Freon which had leaked as a result of the failure. No one was injured.

Farncomb will undertake repairs in Singapore over the coming days.


Faulty Australian sub fleet costs $800M per year

Story surfaces of HMAS Farncomb dive and propulsion failure incident (Update-with Defence Response)

Great story about a Collins-class sub in an exercise that never happened


Anonymous said...

Don't they have tradesmen on board anymore, oh I forgot, we are in the new age.

Anonymous said...

Gees, I also heard that the local council bus did too.

Anonymous said...

if nothing had broken, do u think we would even hear of this? a gas leak? how is that news?

Anonymous said...

You are correct, you did not hear the problems with the 212/4 they are having in Korea, which are major.Look it up.
By the way my local council got over it, and even thought the unit that failed was made in Germany did not stress.

Unknown said...

Another victory for the DMO.

Atticus said...

I did not know they had one?
Bonza where are you?

Anonymous said...

Do not tell Eric,however most of the valves and pumps in the 212 are made in Melbourne.