Saturday, January 30, 2021

Links of Interest 30-1-21

 Russian Navy expects to add 40 ships this year.

China launches 2nd Type 054A/P frigate for Pakistan Navy

Philippine Air Force (PAF) receives 2x former USAF C-130H

USAF B-52 and Saudi Arabia F-15 "presence patrol" mission

USMC 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing gets COVID-19 shots before deployment

Pentagon Hints It Could Abandon the JEDI Cloud Effort

"In the document, the department argues that it still urgently needs an enterprise cloud to meet mission needs but it is willing to look at other options if the court battle continues. DOD originally selected Microsoft for the $10 billion contract in October 2019, but work halted when AWS challenged certain evaluation criteria. DOD awarded JEDI to Microsoft a second time in September and AWS renewed its protest." 

US Army heads into future tactical unmanned aircraft rodeo next month