Friday, February 19, 2016

His Holiness is wrong

You can have some fun reading this misleading Breaking Offense piece.

A few points:

Not true.

Most of the problems are that the F-35, will get shot down in combat. I would say that rates at the top of the list. Most of the problems are not software. The big problem is repeat, bad, project management on a flawed design crippled by a poor, Joint Operational Requirement Document, crafted in the 1990's and signed off on at the beginning of the last decade. Give thanks to the STOVL requirement for crippling the A and C. And massive amounts of untrue marketing, including untrue statements to our elected officials.


And every.


1. Note the key statements. LRIP. Full-rate-production is when? We are still in DOD procurement milestone-B. Find some other programs that are allowed to do LRIP in milestone-B. That is work for milestone-C which when awarded, assumes the production method and the weapon system design are stable. So Bogdan is basically selling, illegal LRIP aircraft. Anywhere else that would be fraud.

2. While it may be the Super-Slow Hornet, it works for many Operation: USELESS DIRT missions. and does every mission set better than...the F-35. This is otherwise known as some kind of tangible value.

3. What job will Bogdan be holding in 2019? Retired? In a board room somewhere via the revolving door? He can, like many F-35 P.O.s before him weave all kinds of fairy-tales.

4. "Roundtable with reporters" should read, "roundtable with 'reporters' ". Do F-35 fan-friendly "journalism" and get invited to special events to hear the words of his His Holiness. Practice real journalism and you are a dangerous heretic.


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