Sunday, August 30, 2015

Not so complex

6 minutes well spent. From the full hearing in 18 August. Jason Harfield, CEO Airservices. Sigh... another generalist manager.

Performance of Airservices Australia
The Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee is conducting an inquiry into the performance of Airservice Australia under Standing Order 25 (2) (a).

Committee Secretariat contact:
Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3511
Fax: +61 2 6277 5811

A few things.

That throw away word 'complex'. Many projects are complex. But if you are so deskilled that you can't perform already established government risk assessment procedure, well...

Once the guy had to answer real questions and not just blab his bullshit prepared statement...

Nepotism still 'runs' government and/or government/outside agency teaming efforts.

Call in friends and family.

Not all that complex.

From someone that has been in and observed government for over 30 years:

Should come as no surprise that the failed experiment known as the DMO spawned the 'International Centre for Complex Project Management’ (ICCPM) and the 'Competency Standards for Complex Project Managers' on which this purported ‘Centre of Excellence’ is based.

Some extra history.

HT - a reader


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