Agree with the Australian Day awards.
But moving right along, it will be interesting to see how many problems are fixable by the current party in control.
Federal budget: for years now, the government refuses to submit a balanced budget. Spending more money than we take in is now normal.
Entitlements: most of Australia thinks that when in doubt, you turn to the government. The education system has won in their main mission of helping to produce government-dependent voters.
And while on education, it sucks. That reaches right up to University. The past government stated that everyone deserves a college degree even if that, as a country, is a stupid idea. This country is falling down on producing skilled trades people. Universities are now letting in people that have no business being there. Can't read, write, understand math or geography to a reasonable level. And these are the people that will call it quits early; wasting a lot of taxpayer money.
Education for dummies. And the degrees? Many are weak and have little with giving people useful job prospects. Abbott can't be blamed for education issues considering this has been on-going for some years now.
NBN (national broadband): this is a poison pill delivered from the past government based on shoddy research and planning. It will cost $60B or more if there were no problems. I don't believe government should be in this business. Let the market provide it. Just because someone lives out in the bush does not mean they need to have the same Internet capability as someone with better network ability. Don't like it? Don't live in the bush.
However that portion of the discussion is over. NBN has been underway for a few years now. It was to deliver fiber lines for everyone capable of line connectivity and satellite capability where lines are not possible or able (distance to exchange boxes) to deliver fast broadband.
Satellites are a bit delayed as it is a shared payload thing. They are waiting on other payloads having nothing to do with NBN. So that will happen at some time. Now, here is where the Abbott team goofed up bad. Yes NBN was a poison pill from the last government but one that could hot be altered much. Team Abbott's NBN alteration is to mix fiber and copper.
The really dumb part? We are spending a gazillion dollars for this regardless with people digging up ground and now NBN won't be future-proofed. There will be islands of fiber and islands of copper.
This doesn't help skilling of the infrastructure people that have to maintain everything. Maintenance will be more complex. Skilling up people will be more complex.
Defence: both major parties are incompetent and are happy to pay $30B each year and growing for the military for the value of a $17B military. This part of the federal budget is protected because people are too stupid to seek real combat value. 170 plus flag-ranks and their comfort castles.
This country knows nothing about austerity in government.
Over the long haul, that will not end well.
What has Abbott done? He did stop the boats (a real national defence issue). He did start the wheels moving to kill the idiocy of the carbon tax scam.
Bring back a more left government?
And watch the entitlement efforts expand even more.

(Accurate depiction of the last government which were
--based on their performance--dirty reds.)
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