Sunday, April 6, 2014

USS GW refuel removed from Navy's 2015 unfunded priorities list.

With the removal of the refueling/refurbishment effort of the aircraft carrier USS George Washington from the Navy's unfunded priorities list for the fiscal year 2015 budget, the ship's retirement is a possibility.

The unfunded priority list has been and always will be, a scam, on the taxpayer.

For example, the U.S Navy is happy to buy more faulty Littoral Combat Ships and F-35s.

These weapon systems are a joke.

There is no need for "unfunded priorities".

The GW refuel/refurb is to cost $7B over 5 years.

The fact that the U.S. Navy will soon have a carrier air wing that is obsolete to the threat is a big problem. The air wing needs drones that can go out 1200-1500 miles and do intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) and strike. With some of the threats out there, that "strike" would be with stand-off-weapons. Broad-band stealth or no.

The U.S. Navy is pushing around big, expensive nuke carriers for little return on investment for Team America:WORLD POLICE.

Instead of spending billions on big nuke carriers, the failed F-35 and LCS, we could reshape things to have a properly funded Navy.

The DOD consumes 27 percent of the federal budget. We do not need an unfunded priorities list. We do not need a collection of paper-tiger weapon systems.

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