Note the LM talking points on F-35 woe: "It's the government's fault".
The lack of accountability in the acquisition process can also be seen in the delays in production of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Steve Bucci, director of Heritage’s Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies, described how the original production methodology for the F-35 was designed to put “the best available plane in the hands of the warfighters as soon as possible. It also allows for cuts in cost per copy as efficiencies build upon one another.” Despite the F-35 being crucial to U.S. national security, insufficient planning and inconsistent funding from the government have led to substandard development for this important program.
-Summary of Air Power Australia F-35 points
-Aviation Week (ARES blog) F-35 posts (2007 to present)
-U.S. Government Accounting Office (GAO) F-35 reports
-F-35 JSF: Cold War Anachronism Without a Mission
-History of F-35 Production Cuts
-Looking at the three Japan contenders (maneuverability)
-How the Canadian DND misleads the public about the F-35
-Value of STOVL F-35B over-hyped
-Cuckoo in the nest--U.S. DOD DOT&E F-35 report is out
-6 Feb 2012 Letter from SASC to DOD boss Panetta questioning the decision to lift probation on the F-35B STOVL.
-USAFs F-35 procurement plan is not believable
-December 2011 Australia/Canada Brief
-F-35 Key Performance Perimeters (KPP) and Feb 2012 CRS report
-F-35 DOD Select Acquisition Report (SAR) FY2012
-Release of F-35 2012 test report card shows continued waste on a dud program
-Australian Defence answers serious F-35 project concerns with "so what?"
-Land of the Lost (production cut history update March 2013)
-Outgoing LM F-35 program boss admits to flawed weight assumptions (March 2013)
If you wanna laugh, watch this.
Has LM now gone right of the rails?
Typically blaming the people who pay you for their own failures results in being fired, projects cancelled and funding stopped.... Does LM have no leadership at all?
Is the motive for LM to get the project cancelled by the government ... because its too hard?
Its quite perplexing as there are now a lot of 'squeals and squeaks' coming out of LM on this project..?
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