Friday, May 24, 2013

F-35 SAR

The next DOD select acquisition report shows a slight "dip" in the F-35 program costs. You can do that when capability still is not present almost 12 years after contract award. That, and reduced capability projections.

2012 reporting period summary for the F-35 SAR is here PDF.

It is unlikely that the U.S. DOD will see 2457 F-35s; but that is what the procurement predictions are based on.

There was another time in the F-35 program history where annual cost projections decreased for a SAR reporting period. Look at this F-35 select acquisition report summary for December 2002 (PDF).

Cost projections for the program went down because the Navy got cold-feet and dumped 409 jets.

JSF (Joint Strike Fighter) – Program costs decreased by $26,721.9 million (-11.8%) from $226,458.3 million to $199,736.4 million, due primarily to a decrease of 409 Navy aircraft (from 2,866 to 2,457 aircraft) (-$25,434.9 million), associated decreases in initial spares and support
requirements (-$3,956.3 million), as well as the application of revised escalation rates (-$3,404.4 million). These decreases were partially offset by increases in outyear costs due to production affects from lower aircraft quantities (+$2,623.7 million), the addition of International Commonality Effort (+$1,270.0 million), refined engine program to optimize interchangeability (+$1,157.8 million), and revised estimating methodology from parametric to bottom-up (+$451.4 million).

One year after the JSF contract award to LM.

This took the original DOD requirement of 2866 F-35s down to today's 2457.

What would the F-35 procurement projection cost be today had the DOD stuck with 2866 aircraft?

More? Less? Unknown.

The full SAR will be put out there soon. I will post it when I get it.

It will be interesting to see cost-per-flying-hour estimates.


Unknown said...

No way were going to get 2457. Air Force originally wanted 750 raptors and we got 187. Same will happen with the F-35. Be lucky if we get 500.

Anonymous said...

The reduction is mainly due to accounting changes.

The reasons why there are reductions seem to be the result of Accounting gymnastics rather than actual price reductions.

once again we will have to wait for a while to see this latest round of spin and sophistry come to light, its just a ploy to drag it out till its too late to change anything..
