Amazing that so many could feed at the trough. A quick summary of ADF personnel numbers:
Flag ranks
Navy 57
Army 77
Air Force 56
Total 190
SES 168
Total ADF Personnel
Navy 16,374
Army 45,047
Air Force 17,264
Civilian 21,217
The problem is that Defence could be run properly with a small handful of flag-ranks. It is difficult to believe that Defence is careful with our money when they have 190 over-fed flags and 168 SES doing exactly what?
Of anywhere in the federal budget, this one of the top examples of unneeded welfare payouts for so little return on the dollar.
Whenever Defence states it isn't getting enough money, suggest leadership by example. The flag ranks and SES need a serious cull.
How serious? Look at the Army.
It is about the strength of a Corps composing 3 divisions (in numbers not the true organisational table of the Australian Army).
For those numbers you need:
A Corps commander and their second in command: a 3 star and a 2 star.
Each "Division" of 15,000 or so troops needs a Division commander and a second in command: A 2 star and a 1 star.
Brigades wound need a commander and a second in command: A 1 star and a colonel.
So just on the numbers, the Army has no justification for 77 flag ranks.
I suspect a good-ol' boy network here: you scratch my back, I'll get you a jag.
Sickening. Disgraceful.