Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Big fat Defence budget...starting with big fat DMO

Defence budget items are here.

I will be commenting on them over the next few days.



24 star-ranked officers and 35 senior executives. That is enough rank heat to run all of Defence!!!


I would significantly trim the DMO and have it led by a flag officer that reports to the Chief of Defence. There wouldn't be any other flag ranks in the DMO.

(click image to make larger)

This largess has to be trimmed down to where it approaches something that gives the appearance it supports the defence of the country.

1 comment:

Perplexed said...

It costs $1.3 billion to run each year. For what? So many successful programs!
I love the latest, the dress boots purchased from China fall apart on parade.
Brisbane Anzac Day March, dress uniforms unable to be worn, no boots. No medals could be worn.