Monday, April 29, 2013

Tiger savaged by Navy League of Australia

(AH-1Z Viper)

Volume 75, No.2 (Apr-Jun 2013) issue of Navy (The magazine of the navy league of Australia), at the news stands now, starts off on page 2 with a piece called "Paper Tiger - Don't Add Sea Water".

No author so it is either someone not brave enough to stick their head above the line in fear of getting it chopped or it is from the editorial staff.

The article savages the Australian acquisition and development of the Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter (ARH). Just about everything in the article is a good quote. The writer strongly suggests that the AH-1Z Viper used by the USMC is the way to go. In short:

The USMC Viper is "faster, deadlier, cheaper and working."

The article also states a rumour that the Army has a $1B 'mid-life upgrade' planned for the Tiger despite the aircraft not being in full service yet.

It would be difficult for me to think of a more critical article about the troubled Tiger.

(click image to make larger)