Tuesday, April 2, 2013

General Deptula, USAF (Ret.) properly explains drone warfare ethics

This is a new paper by Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.), which, properly explains drone warfare. A very good read.

Despite the value of remotely piloted aircraft, which introduce enormous capability and employment advantages, they are not a panacea for warfare nor will they replace manned aircraft.

They are but one tool among many in the set of modern weapon systems. They have advantages and they have disadvantages.

However, we should not assist our adversaries by limiting one of the most effective weapons we have against terrorism. Remotely piloted aircraft are weapons that provide the greatest degree of ethical oversight currently possible, with high accuracy, both of which combined reduce collateral damage and thus civilian casualties.

Imposing artificial limitations on the use of remotely piloted aircraft will only serve to minimize the asymmetric advantage that currently results from the use of these valuable tools.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

An effective, cost effective and safe military tool.... Cant have that, will have to 'rationalize' its use. How else can we give away billions to prop up businesses with non effective systems, and fund our 'mates' to think up a new idea as to continually fleece the government(s).....

Am I sounding paranoid?