And using a defacto one-party extreme-left state like California as proof that America will tolerate more taxes is a huge miss.
Republicans (as dumb as the leadership are) do not need to move toward the "centre" as the author claims. That would make them just like the Liberal Party here: Conservative in alleged name only. Lack of moving toward the center was not the reason for the Republican defeat. If that was so, the Democratic leadership, who won with an extreme left candidate would have lost too.
The empty chair beat the empty suit.
Don't look at the red and blue states. Look at the red and blue counties. Although I doubt any election will ever be won based on total square miles of ownership.
In the end, America has to stop insane spending. Neither party was up for that. So... onward to Greece it is. The big problem is that those in red areas have to work to support those in blue areas.
A most silly statement from the author is this:
Climate change will also return to the US national agenda, in part courtesy due to the devastation of Hurricane Sandy.
So now man can stop the weather? Interesting theory. A carbon tax or any other associated tax-grab stupidity won't pass in the U.S. because of some glaring problems.
Stop insane spending, how about starting in Australia?
I have been reading your blog for many months now, along with your comments on Aviation Week. They are usually well thought out and built upon a foundation of facts, however this post seems like it was written by Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh.
Do you seriously think Barack Obama is an "extreme left wing candidate"? He's to the right of George Bush on executive power... He assassinates American citizens without trial...he has prosecuted more whistleblowers for espionage than all previous administrations combined...
Simply bringing tax rates back to where they were 25 years ago, reign in medical costs (government negotiated rates/ single payer/etc) and you are basically back on a sustainable course...
Your last comment makes it seem like you don't believe in man made global warming. I'm hopeful that's not the case...
Sean and Rush aren't especially smart.
I am more of an "America first" kind of person.
And remember, there used to be conservative democrats. What happened to them?
All those violent acts that you blame on the likes of idiots like Bush aren't all belonging to the "right" as you think. Lenin and Mao had no problem with offing people that got in their way. FDR imprisoned Americans (specifically Japanese-Americans) at the start of WWII. I don't think anyone would call FDR "right".
What about LBJ? "Hey..hey...LBJ, how many kids did you kill to-day?"
Obama is certainly extreme left simply because he thinks government is the answer to everything. That, all by itself, is un-American. I wouldn't expect a community organiser to have much of a clue about business or specifically small-business.
Hardcore Republicans and Democrats do not have the best interests of America as their reason to exist. Neo-cons and neo-liberals are dangerous to the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
As for man-made global warming. That video hits it right on the mark. Unfortunate for those religious-faith-based-types that want to soak the taxpayer simply because they hate capitalism. When the Soviet Union fell, neo-socialists needed a new movement to push their cancer. They found it by hijacking the green movement.
And, one can be for good environmental regulation and still not believe in theft on the taxpayer acts like the carbon tax.
Speaking of which, here's a blast from the past . . .
Fair response Eric. Very well said on all points I must say.
And very true about the confusion and misplaced 'blame' and 'policy' on issues such as global warming realities. Carbon tax will do nothing to address the warming, also true and if anything only worsens the situation by distracting efforts on actual opportunities for more effective coordinated action.
To paraphrase a former POTUS -
"It ain't Carbon! It's Combustion, stupid."
That fact that we burn stuff (fossil fuels) to produce energy is the problem.
Carbon is a consequence, not a cause.
I am with Palmer on this one.
Unfortunately, the republican'ts will fold like a lawn chair on the debt ceiling.
We are being colonized by out of control immigration, bankrupted by ridiculous spending/inflation/economic decay, and lulled into complacency by unchecked handouts.
Sad to see it end this way.
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