Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Fort Hood Shooting--Two years later and still no conviction for a slam-dunk case

I completely understand this.

Worse, the charges against the criminal are a slam-dunk which should lead to an execution.

Two years later and there is still no complete trial. The facts behind the event are not that complex. A conviction should have happened by now.




Matt said...

He's a muslim, therefor a protected species.
A conviction would be seen as being discriminatory against Islam, The Religion of Peace™.

Anonymous said...

I was not game to say that.Protected species.

Matt said...

I for one will will not dance around the politically correct table for fear that someone may be offended by the truth.
One reason that many western armed services are in such a sad state & for that matter society in general, it due to the fact that many people are intimidated into not expressing their opinion or speak the truth for fear of being labeled an extremist, bigot, racist or in this case "Islamaphobe", as if there was such a thing.
That being said, the west has good cause to fear Islam as contrary to popular belief the west is not war with Islam rather, & this is significant, Islam is at war with the west.