Tuesday, October 4, 2011

F-35B completes first marketing gimmick

No photos yet, but it seems that a test configured F-35B has made a vertical landing on the U.S.S. Wasp.

Appearances are important for the U.S. Marine Corps mission as it tries to make its way through the budget battles.

Still, not one weapon has be cleared and there is no go-to-war aircraft capability to speak of.

Then there is the whole obsolete-to-the-threat issue to deal with.

"From The Halls of Montezuma to Capital Hill, we will fight our bud-get bat-tles..."


1 comment:

geogen said...

Looked like the WASP was at anchor - no sea-trial movement?

One might be more impressed with a the landing at speed.

Anyway, good for them... after $60bn development it's good to finally see a vertical landing by this variant.

Prepare your budgets folks - that's all one can say.

God speed to budgets...