Saturday, October 15, 2011

Collins sub replacement rent-seekers are banging the pots and pans again

The mafia/city hall kind of corruption with rent-seeking is in full-swing with one of Australia's latest boondoggles; the Collins sub replacement.

"Labor has a long history of spinning the numbers on its defence projects in South Australia, and it seems as though expectations for the future submarine project have been greatly inflated for political purposes," Mr Hamilton-Smith said.

"With $1.5 billion worth of Defence cuts, slippages and delays in projects in the recent federal Labor budget, there is an increasing pressure on the defence industry."

Defence, the Defence bureaucracy, the defence industry and their cheerleaders need to be deprived of an air supply until a sane strategic roadmap is put in place. This includes an assessment of what home industry can realistically do.

Meanwhile, not to pick on Indonesia, but they have got it made. They can deprive the littorals to the north easily over the long haul with inexpensive submarines, fighter aircraft (that work), naval mines, and if they are really smart, things like S-300/S-400, BrahMos (and other super-sonic cruise missiles;) including a CLUB-K arrangement. And, they already have one kind of super-sonic cruise missile in service with their navy.

our government defence planners at home, insist we buy really dumb things that won't for example; achieve air domination over our northern approaches.

The Australian military already gave up a strong strategic strike platform that could take long range cruise missiles really far; all on a lie. That was the F-111. It also had superior value in non-high-end war than it's "replacement".

There is no proof of strong strategic thinking in this government. Until there is; we shouldn't hand over tax dollars on stupid projects. The current Defence arrangement is draining our budget for very little return. It has long been time to change that.


F-35 program's "business plan" vs. the real world

How is that F-35 business plan in Australia?

Chinese communists want war, Australian leadership wants to dream

Under-skilled bureaucrats bag big bounty

Australia's naval "strategy" and ship-building industry explained

The meme that won't die; the F-35 as a "fifth-generation fighter"

Who are the Australian JSF Industry Group (AJIG) ?

Australian government complicit in ruining 65 year old company

Dilettantes compare defence plans



Anonymous said...

Sorry, are you seriously suggesting Indonesia has a capable fighter force?

What AA weapons do they have?

The Indonesian government is more interested in maintaining internal stability than a conflict they couldn't support.

Anonymous said...

Why do people Western countries continually denigrate those in the east.
I believe the article points out that Indonesia is obtaining and fielding better and better weapon systems over a period of time.
It is obvious that the Australian government is sitting back believing in their ultimate superiority. Go back to 1941 if you will.

Anonymous said...

Eric, you keep talking about "this Government" having no strategic thinking. You may be right, but lets not forget that our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, the F35, the Super Hornet and the sub replacement are all decisions made by John Howard and his gang of morons. Lack of clear thinking in Defence is nothing new...

Gobsmacked said...

However who is in government now, and can change decisions, Bob Brown?

Anonymous said...

Iraq, Afghanistan, F35 and Super Hornet were all very good decisions. All besides Iraq have ended up being supported by Labor in government(after a lot of theatrics when in opposition).

Anonymous said...

"Iraq, Afghanistan, F35 and Super Hornet were all very good decisions."

Eh? Which planet are you on?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget,NH90, Tiger and KC 330, and the under provision of spares, technical staff and the lack of any amphibious lift.
The government had been here for four years. Where is the vision, where is the way ahead?
Oh we may be saved,DMO, is hiring new staff.