Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This blog.....

This blog known as ELP is going to take a different path.

I will write about Defens(c)e matters, but I will also write about other things: Australia, the U.S., politics, technology, and anything of interest.

The albatross known as the F-35 may come up from time to time, but those days are mostly done. If someone hasn't figured out that it is a failure by now, they never will until it is too late.

I am going to be less abrasive. It was a useful tool that suited the purpose to get people's attention but it is not me. And; it is a rather tiring act. I don't want to be type-cast.

I want to help out others or at least highlight them more. That would be Galrahn, War News Updates, Alert5, and some others that have to be your daily read. I want to help Sam and crew at Lowy Institute's The Interpreter Blog be more successful with their goals to have a wider coverage. They are important daily reads; for me anyway.

I will also be blogging more on a variety of Aviation Week articles.

Also, I don't have to agree with something everyday; all the time to like it.

I am still working on the layout of this blog. As there are a lot of mobile users, don't expect it to be anything but a simple format.

I hope you enjoy where I am going.

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